Norwich Energy Healing is an Associated Group of The Healing Trust
The Healing Trust is the working name of The NFSH Charitable Trust Ltd (Charity No 1094702). It is a non-religious organisation and is the largest and oldest membership organisation of Spiritual Healers in the UK. Founded in 1954, they strive to raise the standards and awareness of Healing in the UK and overseas by providing:
National standards of training delivered by accredited trainers
A minimum 2 years’ training period with national standards of final assessment
Professional Code of Conduct, disciplinary procedures,
Professional insurance
Over 50 Healing Centres throughout the UK, staffed by volunteer members
Accreditation of independent voluntary centres that meet Healing Trust standards
For further information about the Healing Trust please visit their website
Or call them on 01604 603247, Monday to Thursday 10am - 4pm